Great quality products are important for our hair care but aren’t always easy to find. The NinjA'fro Hair Guide is the starting point to help you explore what works best for your hair. We’ve summarised comments we’ve heard others make about these products and also sprinkled in some of our favourite tried-and-tested products.


Bonnin Black Sewing Elastic, 2 Bonnin Black Sewing Elastic, 2

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Jagazi Naturals Black Sewing Elastic, 1.8 Jagazi Naturals Black Sewing Elastic, 1.8

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Magic DIY Wig Grip Elastic, 1.1 Magic DIY Wig Grip Elastic, 1.1

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We’ll be updating this list regularly, so if you have a good find or a great product that you just can’t do without, please share by email or DM us on Instagram!