Black Bronze and Golden – Black Kings


 Contributor: Ahmed Elkhalifa

Shape ups sharp enough to cut the tension in the room. Skin fades, forever exquisite, get your camera check the zoom. Let the dreads bounce, ensure they make the earth quake. Own every inch of your blackness with every step you take.

Black, bronze and golden, it can only be a win. Many try and emulate but nothing can compete with our rich melanin.

Downplaying our talent, disregarding its significance. Focusing on our physical whilst overlooking our brilliance. Always meddling with a Black Man’s mental. We’re conditioned for the grind though, born ready; can’t afford to show them gentle. Don’t let the world harden your heart bredrin. Black, bronze and golden, it can only be a win. 

Let that skin shine bright while that ‘fro stands tall. We've had legends from the start. Malcolm, Martin, Mohammad, we've had them all. Keep that pride with you at all times. This dark skin, I'll be the first to remind the world how it shines.

This crown will not be hidden. Matter of fact, it deserves a day of remembrance. Our story is royal, Black Kings delivering only Black Excellence. So whilst we win Grammys for our talents or receive the MVP awards for our dunks in the NBA. Never forget this blackness isn't built like the rest, we've left our footprints in every category and perfected it our way.

Accolades next to our names, success engraved in our skin. Black, bronze and golden, it can only be a win.